Lirik Lagu Heaven dari Calum Scott Feat Lyodra Lengkap, Tranding di YouTube!

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Sabtu, 18 Juni 2022 - 14:08 WIB

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Lirik Lagu Heaven dari Calum Scott Feat Lyodra Lengkap, Tranding di YouTube!/Tangkap layar


Lirik Lagu Heaven dari Calum Scott Feat Lyodra Lengkap, Tranding di YouTube!/Tangkap layar

KALBAR SATU – Saat ini tranding di YouTube duet terbaru Calum Scott Feat Lyodra yang berjudul ‘Heaven’. Berikut Lirik Lagu Heaven dari Calum Scott Feat Lyodra lengkap.

Salah satu penyanyi jebolan ajang pencarian bakat ini tidak usah diragukan lagi kualitas suaranya.

Dimana penyanyi bersuara emas Lyodra, berduet dengan penyanyi dan penulis lagu asal Inggris Calum Scott.



Baca Juga: Teks dan Download Lirik Lagu Hari Santri Nasional 2021, Peringatan 22 Oktober

Diketahui Calum Scott sendiri menarik perhatian publik usai tampil sebagai kontestan dalam acara televisi “Britain’s Got Talent” pada tahun 2015 silam.

Nah Lagu ”Heaven” yang dinyanyikan Calum Scott Feat Lyodra menceritakan tentang cinta yang dimiliki oleh sepasang kekasih.

Adapun lagu yang berjudul ”Heaven” ini ditulis langsung oleh Calum Scott

Dilansir di Channel YouTube Lyodra Official pada 17 Juni 2022, Lagu yang baru dirilis 9 Juni 2022 ini menduduki tranding ke3 Youtube.

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Lirik lagu Heaven dari Calum Scott Feat Lyodra:

I used to count the stars in the sky

Now I count the ones in your eyes

I used to think that my paradise

Was somewhere waiting on the other side

But you 

Take me higher than I’ve been

Laying hands on my skin

It’s true

Nothing compares to you

So tell me why

What good is life

If we’re all just waiting to dance in the sky?

I’m already there

Here in your eyes

We climb the gates every time that you lie down next to me

I rest in peace

They say it’s better, but how could that be?

If everyone had a love like us

They wouldn’t call that place above


Waking up to you feels like a ‘pinch myself’ moment

If we’re only here for a while

I wanna spend all of it holding you

Take me higher than I’ve been

Got me questioning everything I knew

Cause nothing compares to you

So tell me why

What good is life

If we’re all just waiting to dance in the sky

I’m already there

Here in your eyes

We climb the gates every time that you lie down next to me

I rest in peace 

They say it’s better, but how could that be?

If everyone had a love like us

They wouldn’t call that place above


Nothing comes

Nothing comes close to this

Looking up

Looking up even if it exists

My heaven is on your lips

So tell me why

What good is life

If we’re all just waiting to dance in the sky?

I’m already there

Here in your eyes

We climb the gates every time that you lie down next to me

I rest in peace

They say it’s better, but how could that be?

If everyone had a love like us

They wouldn’t call that place above


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